I recently volunteered to make art for a 2025 Erend pinup calendar fan project for the month of May. Erend Vanguardsman is the captain of the Sun King’s Vanguard in the Playstation/PC games Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West.
This idea came from boobaloof in the Two Minutes discord server. They shared this army enlistment poster and suggested someone make one that says “Join the Vanguard”. I thought it was a brilliant idea. No one else jumped on it so I grabbed it and made it happen.

I Initially started with a portrait image similar to the original. But the pinup calendar was going to be a landscape format so i adjusted it.

Here’s the final art!

I don’t often have time for fanart but I’m glad I at least got in a few fanart pieces this year. I have a few more Horizon fanarts I can share later.